Monday 7 November 2016


Hi all,

     Thermal power plant involves a large number of equipment along with greater workforce. Let us look into the important areas of a thermal power plant. The basic building blocks of a thermal power plant includes the following.

  1. Boiler.
  2. Boiler auxillaries.
  3. Turbine.
  4. Turbine auxillaries.
  5. Generator
  6. Common auxillaries.
  7. PLC's .

     Initially during the startup or lightup of a thermal power plant the coal is not used as starting fuel as it does not have sufficient heat for combustion. So a thermal power plant is lightup using light oil which easily catches fire. After some time along with the light oil heavy oil is also burnt which is a bit less costly. Once sufficient temperature is reached  then coal is supplied to the boiler.(From the mills the coal is made into fine powder and transferred into the boiler using the primary air fan). The air required for the firing is supplied by the FD Fan. Before the lightup process actually takes place the boiler drum will be filled using the boiler feed pump. Once lightup is started the water from the drum is moved into the tubes present inside the boiler and starts to  get heated up. This heated water or steam will be using the main steam line to reach the turbine. But it will not be allowed into the turbine as the parameters will not be met. This line will be bypassed using the HPBypass system and the heated or partial steam will move into cold reheat line and moves into the boiler and gets heated again in the boiler and then comes back to IP turbine which is also bypassed using the LPBypass unit and then directly reaches the condenser.

     From the condenser the water is recycled using the Condensate extraction pumps and boiler feedpumps and reaches the boiler drum. Once sufficient parameters are reached for the steam to roll into the turbine the unit will be synchronised to the grid and steam is rolled into turbine.  The waste gas generated during this process is suck by the ID fan and released.

Thank You (Please click on individual links)

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