Friday 11 November 2016


PHD or Doctor of Philosophy is the considered as one of the highest educational degree that a person can get. It is just not given as a mere degree it tests the strength of a person in the area of research. It tests the subject knowledge of a person and how he applies all his knowledge in the subject he has been accustomed. It involves presenting lot of papers in technical journals, national and international. One has to take a particular research topic and start understanding it from the basic and they study what has been the work completed so far and understand all the stuff. Once you have your topic and know what has been the work completed so far and what is the work going on . Then you can have get an idea what else you can add to the existing work or how better you can implement it by improving its performance. Once has to be accustomed with the tools and softwares used. Once you have completed your research and it has to be sent to verification once it is done. You wil be a PHD holder.

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