Friday 11 November 2016

Every profession have its own challenges...

Hi Friends,

People of some professions always look at other professions as if they are only working hard and others are just enjoying the leisure hours enjoying the life and getting salaries paid without working  hard. This may be the case only in few cases. For example let us take the case of a bank employee for outsiders the bank employee starts the work at 10:30 in the morning and evening 4 the working hours closes. They think only six hours or 5 hours they are working and they also complain that their work is getting late and the employee is very lazy and curse them. What do actually happen no one thinks. A single bank employee performs maximum possible services on a single day. The delay may be due to delay in loading the bank software, or there may be a introduction of new staff and they need to get accustomed with the banking system. There may be prior official engagements, they have to verify each and every transaction with utmost care so that the people will never get problems later.

Take the case of a Faculty in a college 10 am to 4 Pm daily but how much time the faculty has to work to explain the students one hour class may be for one hour class one may prepare for 5-6 hours and also be ready to answer questions of the student.

Please do not just come to conclusion by just looking at there working hours or your work is not completed or delayed.
Thank You

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