Tuesday 1 November 2016

My views on Hidden Economic potential of India

Hi All,

     I always have some views on the tremendous economic potential in India which is hidden in its culture and is still laid untapped for decades. India a country which has Unity in diversity , where people of various sects live together amicably celebrating their festivals which has tremendous economic potential to provide jobs for lot of people and also adding to the Indian Economy.

     Some others have recognised this potential and are providing jobs, People of our country also recognised this but are trying in their individual capacity and not on a larger scale. People in our country celebrate a lot of rituals which include various materials. For example Deewali has crackers associated with it, Sankranthi comes with flying Kites especially in AP/Telangana and Holy with colours.

     Like the above there are number of  festivals which has its own importance but also brings with  it a great economic potential that is left untouched.

Thanks all

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