Monday 3 April 2017

HMI in thermal power station

          HMI Stands for Human Machine Interface. HMI plays a vital role in many areas from education to research, Hospitals etc.. which simplifies the task of the employees as well as the people who gets the service. The logics to be implemented in servers or Distributed processing units which are communicated to the operator workstation through the network switches and through the fibre optic cable.

          Consider a Thermal power plant where a huge number of equipments and instruments are available which also requires a greater amount of man power. In olden days when there is not much develoment towards the HMI side people physically has to go towards the instruments and start the devices. But as technology has been upgraded lot of softwares have come into place. people provide the signals from the system where software for human machine interface is installed and get the feedback. Now if people want to start a machine or a device we simply sit at the system/computer and give a command.

          With the help of the feeback that we receive which is displayed on computer screens, if any problem arises people are able to recognise the specific nature of the problem and will be able to solve in quick time which previously takes huge days.

          Another advantage which is also available is the response time, a command is enough to avert any damage if system goes out of its defined criteria.

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