Wednesday 5 April 2017


               The Condensate extraction pumps i.e., CEP's play a very important role in power plants. In  steam turbine, after the steam has completed its work in the turbine it will be condensed in the condenser. The condensed steam present in the condenser has to utilised again as this is a cyclic process .

               The CEP' s are used to drive the condensed steam and through the condensate spray station which consists of LP heaters that are used to heat the water to improve the efficiency of the thermal power plant. Through the LP heaters the feed water will reach the deaerator.

               The suction of the CEP's is taken from the hotwell which situates below the condenser.The CEP's can easily drive the water as vaccum is maintained in the condenser to extract the steam from the steam turbine.The cycle from condenser to the deaerator is called the feedwater cycle.

               The losses that takes place due to evaporation or any leaks will be pumped in through the hotwell make up pumps. As the suction to the CEP is hotwell there should be sufficient level maintained in the hotwell. If sufficient level is not maintained in the hotwell the CEP's will get tripped out as there is no sufficent water to drive.

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