Friday 29 July 2011

Abinitio-Emerging ETL tool....

Introduction :

   We may have come across a number of ETL tools for the past decade or so. Here comes a new tool which is going to be the future ETL tool to be preferred by a number of organizations. It is developed by AbInitio corporation. The AbInitio software is a fourth generation data analysis, batch processing, data manipulation graphical user interface (GUI)-based parallel processing product which is commonly used to extract,transform and load(ETL). The AbInitio product also allows for processing of real-time data.

AbInitio is having a Two Tier Architecture with Graphical Development Environment (GDE) & Co>Operating system couple together to form a client-server ‘like’ architecture. Here you can find brief description of the two.

Co>Operating System  :

Co>Operating System is a program provided by Ab Initio which operates on the top of the operating system and is a base for all Ab Initio processes. It provides additional features known as air commands which can be installed on a variety of system environments such as Unix, HP-UX, Linux, IBM AIX, Windows systems. The AbInitio Co>Operating System provides the following features:
               --->Manage and run AbInitio graphs and control the ETL processes.
               ---> Provides AbInitio extensions to the operating system.
               ---> ETL processes monitoring and debugging.
               ---> Metadata management and interaction with the EME.

AbInitio GDE (Graphical Development Environment) :

GDE is a graphical application for developers which is used for designing and running Ab Initio graphs. It also provides:
               ---> The ETL process in AbInitio is represented by AbInitio graphs. Graphs are formed
                       by components (from the standard components library or custom), flows (data streams)
                       and parameters.
               ---> A user-friendly frontend for designing Ab Initio ETL graphs
               ---> Ability to run, debug Ab Initio jobs and trace execution logs
               ---> GDE AbInitio graph compilation process results in generation of a UNIX shell script which may be executed on a machine without the GDE installed.

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